San Joaquin Valley Town Hall
P.O. Box 5149
Fresno, CA 93755-5149
(559) 444-2180
President: Cathy Frost
Executive Vice President: Pam Kallsen
Vice President, Program: Jan Maroot and Judy Gregerson
Vice President, Marketing: Elizabeth Laval
Secretary: Karin Temple
Chief Financial Officer: Allison Alexander
Cathy Frost
Cheryl Waterhouse
Chris Bennett
Deborah Ikeda
Edith Trevino
Elizabeth Laval
Jackson Kytle
Jacqueline Grazier
Jan Paul
Jane Fortune
Jane Moosoolian
Janice Maroot
Jeanette Ishii
Judy Gregerson
Kina McFadden
Louise Yenovkian
Meggin Boranian
Pamela Kallsen
Paula Castadio
Phyllis Brotherton
Suzanne Crosina-Sahm
Terry Allen
Wendy Carroll
More than eighty years of exceptional leaders to thank—for their dedication, organization, insight, and vision in maintaining the vision and developing the reach of the San Joaquin Valley lecture series.
Dennis Krug
John McGregor